Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Recap: October

019, originally uploaded by mylla7777.

Really. October wasn't that interesting of a month.

Yeah, there was the first Fine Art Performance. Brilliant string orchestra, girls all dressed up in gowns and boys dressed in suits or tuxes. Enjoyable.

Yeah, my birthday was in October. I received a wonderful package from my dear sisters in Colorado, which made my life infinitely better.

Yeah, midterms were in October. I got all A's, so that's good, right?

Yeah, I had fun photographing a few students in my art class, like this lovely lady.

But that's pretty much it. Really.


  1. Awesome shot! The lighting is so very elegant, the pose rather adorable, and the young lady quite lovely!

  2. Thank you! We had to have strong lighting (single source) for the drawing, so I used a studio light that wasn't being used in a painting room. It took several tries before I came up with this pose, placing her at the end of the long classroom table and me at the other end with my zoom lens. She drew it very well.
