Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Recap: December

candles, originally uploaded by mylla7777.

December barrelled its way in with my first final: Speech Devotional. So scary! But it went well, and I got an A on it, which is /extremely/ good, when you know me. I loathe speech. And I got an A in the class overall anyway! That doesn't mean that I'm excited for another whole semester of it, though.

My other finals commenced. One art project, a second art project. A written speech final. A history final. An English final. A Bible final--and that was it! Being an art student, I do not have very many scantron finals, but I think that my work on projects make up for it. I know finals week wasn't as stressful for me as it was for some people, and I'm thankful!

Of course, they packed the last week at college with more than just finals. We had our Christmas program, White Glove (intense room cleaning), and packing for home all on the same day.

Once I was home I promptly began working again. My grandma was home too to spend Christmas and New Years with us. We had my mom's family over for Christmas, and it was different, to say the least! I got a cold the day after, which made my life rather miserable for the next week and a half.

December also hosted many happy get-togethers with my friends from my high school days. I got ice skates for Christmas, which I am excited to try out.

So. 2010 was probably the hardest year of my life, to be honest. But I say, let's bring in 2011 with hope, joy, and love.

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